Cycle Process

We are excited to collaborate with all our campus partners for a centralized approach to gathering information on our graduating students. It is a multi step process that includes OneIT’s technical expertise, the Career Center’s marketing team, Colleges/Schools/Department professionals, and a group of Peer Pros who conduct research throughout the year!

Career Center Responsibilities:

Ask NDS group for any survey changes neededJuly 15Campus partners will have the opportunity to adjust supplemental “career related” questions for their department
Communicate about survey deployment to deans, academic departments, faculty, staffNovember, MarchCareer Center will send an email that includes a Google Folder of communication materials that can be used to help push out the survey to students
Communicate with deans and departments about survey resultsFebruarySurvey results will be published for the previous Class 20xx
Conduct LinkedIn researchDecemberIf needed, based on survey completion rate
Submit COED data to OneITNovember 10
Research LinkedIn for any gaps in knowledge throughout the processDecember/January/SummerTeam of individuals search LinkedIn for more information on any graduates who did not complete a survey

OneIT Responsibilities:

Implement department/college survey changesJuly-OctoberOneIT will make necessary technical adjustments to the survey based on department requests
Download grad application data and push into surveyOctober (early), March (early)OneIT preparing the survey link to be seen by only those who are graduating
Get final feedback from FDS constituentsOctober 15
Deploy NDS surveyNovember 1Class of 20xx survey link is live
Produce College of Engineering accreditation report from ACTIVE survey cycleAugust
Include clearinghouse data in NDS resultsJanuary
Include COED data in NDS resultsNovember
Provide initial information on survey rate and knowledge rateDecember 1OneIt to provide that information to the Career Center
Provide list of survey non-completers (will be a OneIT ticket) – if requestedEarly DecemberProvided to the Career Center and used for LinkedIn research
Incorporate Career Center LinkedIn research into survey resultsEarly January
Finalize results of NDSFebruary 1